Monday, August 20, 2012



Some days I drink to celebrate the Champion in me .... and some days ,to give company to the loser inside ... lest it NOT die in solitude

Somedays ,there is the curiousity for love ....somedays, anonymity about it ..

Somedays , I start with knowing -it -all ..... and End it ,by learning Nothing

Days I begin as Monk ,,,, and by the Dusk ,I am a Debauched lot

SOmedays , i drink to fill the voids and gaps .... and some ,to get dissolved ...

Days ,when I am powerful enough to show mirror to the world .... and days ,trying to evade my shadow stalking me wherever i go

Days ,when the SUn shines bright to warm hearts .... and when it dries the tears

Days like nights .... Nights like dawns

Days when Butterflies look dragons ..... or those,when Dragons seem fireflies ..... ha haha ... Days when I get humoured by listening to my own breathing ........ and days ,when breathing seems a avoidable effort ....

Days ,when strangers feel at home as if they know me for a lifetime ...Days ,when Lovers feel alienated ..

WHen BLUE seems PINK .... or PINK seems BLACK ... and WHITE dazzles the eyes

Switch ON heart ...Switch Off Mind ..... Go On, Life ...Get Off

A day lived in many Lives ........... A life lived in many personalities .

Days when SUn could lighten my life ..... Nights ,when a single star could guide my journey....

when words give a freedom .... but Arrest the meaning

Dated : 20.8.12  Hour : 23:01